Hormone Yoga for Women ~ New Workshop upcoming

Hormone Yoga for Women ~ New Workshop upcoming

Women have very specific needs, problems and life stages. The psyche and the physical condition of women are influenced by their hormones! Hormone yoga effectively balances these hormones in the phases of a woman’s life.

Hormone Yoga for women

• Revitalize
• Increases hormone production
• Eliminates stress, depressions
• Improves Sleep disturbances 
• Stimulates the female glands 
• Hormone yoga effectively balances these hormones in the phases of a woman’s life. 
• Increase libido
• For emotional stability
• Strengthens muscles & bones
• Activates metabolism 

Natural & Holistic Therapy 

Hormone by Dinah Rodrigues 
Hormone Yoga for women is a unique and natural method that reactivates hormone production and eliminates most symptoms of hormonal imbalance. It combines elements of classical Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Tibetan energy circulation technique.


• Of any age with Hormonal disorders
• Premenopause/ Menopause 
• Menstrual problems (PCO.PMS)
• Infertility problems 
• with Thyroid disorders hypothyroidism 
• from 35 years of age as a preventative Therapy 
• and Teenagers suffering from emotional imbalances/ depressions 



• warming up exercises and the complete Hormone Yoga series 
• tools to alleviate Pre menstrual tension, Depression,anxiety,mood swings 
• Yoga-Nidra to activate the endocrine glands and harmonize the energy 
• the 7 qualities of health 
• to revitalize, strengthen and form the body naturally 
• Breast Health 
• Healthy dietary and lifestyle

8/02 – 9:30 – 16:30
9/02 – 9:30 – 13:30 

Costs: 125€
inclusive study materials

Kempenaersingel 2 , 6836 MH Arnhem, Registration : Wasso Nelissen Email:info@wassonelissen.com +31/6 58 88 72 09

Happy Hormones because you deserve it!