live by your spirit

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my Yoga experience

My first profound experience from a ‘Yoga of awareness’ class was in 2006. Without any knowledge and expectation I tuned into my body, connecting the breath with the dynamic exercises and was touched by the strength and depth of this experience.

I always followed my intuition, and after my class I knew that I was meant to become a Yoga teacher.

I was not searching for an outer guru, instead I was inspired to connect with my inner teacher. The ‘Yoga of awareness’ gave me the opportunity and inspiration to make this inner journey. Teaching through awareness opened new levels of reality.

Yoga of Awareness

Live By Your Spirit

‘The Yoga of awareness’ has been practiced for thousands of years, transmitted from Master to student. 

Yoga as the science of awareness is unique and appropriate for our time of rapid changes and challenges in the 21st century. The techniques of the ‘Yoga of awareness’ enables you to reach a higher state of consciousness, emotional stability, and strength as there are a wide variety of exercises and meditations.

It gives you tools to handle these rapid changes effectively. Dynamic exercises combined with breathing techniques are characteristic of this practice. Because of the special attention to the breath it is easier to make contact with our body energy and life force.

With the ‘Yoga of awareness’ we develop connection with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual elements. Being in touch with what is in yourself and the world around you. The Yoga of awareness gives you the opportunity to learn from your own source of energy. It helps you to become aware of your physical, mental and emotional changes and make a positive influence

The 'yoga of awareness' gives you the power to walk the path of your heart, of your individuality and uniqueness



2 Trial Classes

75 minutes
  • 2 Trial Classes
  • Livestreaming

Single Class

75 minutes
  • Single class
  • Livestreaming

5+ Card

75 minutes
  • 5 Yoga Classes
  • Livestreaming


75 minutes
  • 24 Yoga Classes
  • Livestreaming


The lessons are open to everyone.You work from your own reality with respect for your body. The joy and inner experience are more important than the outer form.

Start your Yoga journey