Attention with Breath


The female body asks for and deserves the necessary attention and care. Modern women carry a lot of chronic tension with them. By understanding the language of your body and paying attention to your breath and breathing pattern, you improve and influence the flow of your core. All women benefit from learning the breathing cycle and other tools that encourage them to take care of their bodies.


When we are chronically stressed, the breathing cycle derails. Many of us are very busy and have little time for real relaxation, self-reflection, meditation, prayer, or silence. Relaxation is a necessary part of any healing process. When we relax, we activate the autonomic nervous system, which promotes healing. Stress is a part of almost all diseases. Relaxation and meditation help counteract the physiological effects of stress. One of the best ways to maintain the body’s balance despite stress is through breathing.


Did you know that one of your nostrils is usually dominant, and this affects your brain function and mood? The right and left nostrils influence and are influenced by the autonomic nervous system. The left hemisphere of the brain is connected to the right side of the body and the right nostril; the right hemisphere is connected to the left side of the body and the left nostril.

A rhythmic alternation of nostril and brain dominance occurs every 24 hours. Approximately every 60-90 minutes, one nostril dominates, followed by a period of 20 minutes when both nostrils are open, and then the dominance of the nostril changes again!


Breathing through the left nostril is cooling, cleansing. It relaxes and calms the nervous system, makes you calm, empathetic, sensitive. Increases alkaline secretions and can lower blood pressure. It is associated with the right side of the brain, linked to creative thinking, intuition, non-linear thinking, a sense of timelessness, and appreciation for art, music, and poetry.


The right nostril is warming, makes you alert, gives willpower, helps increase concentration, aids in studying, for problem-solving and logic. Stimulates digestion, can increase blood pressure, and prepares us for intense physical exertion, making us assertive. It is associated with the left side of the brain, related to linear thinking.


The twenty-minute period in which both nostrils are dominant is a time of integration between both systems. This is often the moment when we want to daydream, fantasize, reflect, take a break from what we were doing, move, or process emotional material. It is the time of reconciliation between body and mind, when we are more open to the messages of the body. It is the time when we are prepared to receive intuitive impulses.

During this twenty-minute break, we are more inclined to recognize emotions. The time of day when both nostrils are open the longest is between 4-7 and 16-19 hours.

In this workshop, we pay attention to the breath, different breathing techniques, when to apply which technique, your rhythm, and its impact on the emotional and physical levels. Tools that you can immediately apply in daily life to positively influence your quality of life!

WORKSHOP:Date coming soon.

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